
Like 4, 6 plays a vital role in society.  6 is the nurturer, the carer, and we can see so many of them in general everyday life. They are our mothers, teacher our doctors, counsellors, nurses, etc. Anyone who is in the service industry would have a big 6 in their charts. They carry such a big responsibility to care for others.

The big problem with such vocations is that we often spend too much time caring for others then forget about ourselves. A doctor can work days and nights to save patients, a new mother would often have restless nights to care for her baby. We are all afraid that if we get off our duty for 1 minute, the world will be in chaos, so we starve and exhaust ourselves to keep the world in order. But how far can we go with that? Or more precisely, how far can our body and mind keep up with that?

6 reminds us about our responsibility, but it also reminds us to take care of ourselves. Only when we are healthy and strong that we can take diligent care of others. Allow yourself to have your “me-time” every day, to let go of your sense of control for a few moments. Trade those little disturbances with some stillness and peace for your mind and body. Exercise, meditation, or even having a relaxing bath with your favorite candles, a strawberry scented bath bomb with a glass of champagne. Allow yourself some space and time to release negative energy through those activities, so that you can have more stamina for keeping things under control when you come back!

Guilt, self-loathing, self-hate

Sometimes, even when trying their best, 6 still cannot complete their missions. We can see this through the COVID-19 pandemic where we saw so many nurses and doctors broken down because they could not save their patients. It was such a traumatic experience for those who fought the death for us but could not succeed. Of course, we all know that they tried their best. They had saved hundreds of people, and one death happened does not mean that they were incapable of doing their jobs. But still, they would put the blame on themselves, because they were the ones responsible. They would think they were not good enough. They would let that guilt beat them up, push them to the ground, and hate themselves for the rest of their lives.

Feeling guilty is a sign that you are a good human being who has a big heart. And anyone with such a big heart deserves love, not just from people around us, but also from ourselves. Everyone is going to make mistakes; some may leave you with a big guilt that can destroy your life. But please know that you will learn more from making mistakes than being perfect. If you are willing to learn from those mistakes instead of feeling guilty and deciding to never work on those mistakes again, you will be able to make better contributions to society. As a result, you will feel better about yourself.

Therefore 6 asks you to try to overcome the guilt, to accept that things are not always under our control. Do not let that guilt beat you, or make you think that you are worthless, or you will miss the chance to keep providing your valuable talent and masteries to your community.


The nurturer

6 is also about relationships. But 6’s relationship is different from 2’s in that it is not an equal relationship. In the most beautiful form of 6, it is the relationship between the teacher and the student, the master and the disciple, the mother and child.

As someone with a nurturing responsibility, 6 is able to see your potential and will do everything they can to help you reach that potential. 6 can see that as a fish, you are not meant to climb trees, and 6 will help you master your swimming ability so that you can survive in the big ocean. In other words, 6 can recognize your 1, your identity, who you are, and is able to bring out that true self in you. Then one day, you will go from being a 6-the student to 6-the teacher. You will be able to expand your teacher’s teaching, you will be able to guide and teach the one who is at the start of their journey just like you before. And again, they will keep building the path that you and your teacher laid. The work keeps going and going and eventually form knowledge chains or lineages that are invaluable and never-ending.

The control freak

On the other hand, for the fear of losing control, 6 can also make sure you will never meet your potential. 6 will do anything to keep you under their control. They will tell you that you are never good enough. They will never recognize your efforts, your achievements, but instead pick on every little mistake you make, they will set the aim for you so high that no one can even reach, not even geniuses, not even they themselves. Then they will make you believe that you are worthless because no matter how much you try, you can never reach that aim. You are not good enough to do anything, and you will have to live under their control your whole life if you still want to survive in this world. To be under the same roof with such 6 is really disheartening for everyone has their own role in this world. And for each role that is not fulfilled, there is a hole in the universe that is not filled.


Where does happiness come from?

In this modern-day society, everything is driven by money and power, peace and happiness is left aside. So many of us are aware that we are not fit for such a world, but still, we could not have the courage to step up and follow our call. We are afraid the comfortable life we are living in now will be gone. That path will not be sustainable for our worldly needs. We believe that only when we can have those needs taken care of, that we will be able to do the work. We are told that the more money, the more power we have, the happier we would be.

But happiness does not always come from money. In fact, in a 2010 study, up to a certain point, higher income will not mean higher happiness. Instead, it brings in more pressure, more responsibilities, more stress, frustration, and exhaustion. Material possessions would not hold the same sense of pleasure. Beyond that point, according to Buddha’s teachings, happiness will only come from kindness and charity to those who needs it. To me, how we show that kindness and provide charity is then our right path of service to the community.

The Spiritual path

6 asks you to find your true path of service, the ocean if we were a whale, the jungle if we were a tiger, or the vessel if we were in service of the Divine. 6 will then ask you to put all your heart and soul into that path, reach mastery and eventually pass that knowledge to the others thus fulfilling our roles in the universe.

What if you are meant to walk a spiritual path? What if your calling is to pass blessings from God to everyone? A priest, priestess, a numerologist, and astrologist, a monk, a nun, all the paths that give you less than expected financial rewards. Are you willing to go against societal expectations, your family’s expectations, your warm and cozy and comfortable life, to follow your path? When you can see your potential, your path, will you be brave enough to follow it? How much are you willing to pay for it?

The reward of doing Spiritual work

Doing spiritual work does not mean financial rewards are completely cut out from us. And you certainly are not expected to do spirituality for free. Many of us who do this work do not live in an ashram or a temple where our worldly needs are all taken care of. We would still have our own family to feed, our bills to pay and if we don’t charge for our service, we will have to do a full-time job somewhere else. Just imagine how that could compromise our spirituality work? How far down that path can we go if we cannot put our 100% into it? Will we be able to receive respect for our work if we only do it as a part-time job, or as a hobby?

The financial reward for spiritual is certainly not as much as being the owner of a chain restaurant, or the chairman of a bank, or perhaps, not yet. To some people, it may be just enough to provide a medium life. But it will bring so much greater sense of satisfaction and happiness, knowing that you are able to nurture, provide guidance to or save other souls.

Final Words

I hope you have had some general ideas about 6’s energy. A little of 6 can really go a long way to make us never reach our path. But remember to not let that negative side of 6 affect you. Remember to love yourself, to affirm that you are good enough, that you always have your own place to fill in this universe.

We all deserve love xx

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