1. Into the unknown

4 is where everything is certain and predictable. It is the habit, the routine, the schedule that you do every day. When you are in 4, you know when you have your meals, where you sleep at night, how many hours you exercise every day etc. But 5 doesn’t like such routines and schedules. 5 thinks they are boring, and the world is so much bigger than that.

To explore the world, one needs to step out of one’s comfort zone. That is why 5 loves to travel to new places, meet new people, enjoy novelty, and do things that are out of the norm. 5 is willing to step out of its comfort zone to explore the unpredictable. From those explorations, 5 often would come back with new, eye-opening experiences, and 5 would like to spread them to as many people as they can.

That is how 5 helps our society revolve with the new norm, or extended boundaries. Thanks to 5 that we can enjoy a vast variety of food from diverse cultures. Thanks to 5 that we can have mass public gathering events. Thanks to 5 that we can now normalize same-sex marriage or include the whole LGBTQ+ community in our society.

2. Our five senses

5 is also connected to our five senses. 5 loves visuals, touching, hearing, smelling, tasting. What could be an ordinary landscape to you can be a magnificent scene in 5’s eye. They can tell you all the details, the colors, the shape, the scents, some of them you may have never read in any books. 5 appreciates life as it is, and it can find beauty in the most ordinary objects.

5 is similar to when we practice mindfulness or grounding meditation. We are asked to pay attention to our senses and therefore anchor ourselves in the present. In grounding meditation, we pay attention to the sounds we hear, the taste in our mouth, the temperature of the room, as well as the texture of our clothes, etc. 5 is when our energy is scattered everywhere during the day due to different stimuli, where our mind jumps to different places, worrying about different matters. But 5 is also the first step to bring us back to the present and reclaim our energies. It is fascinating how the energy can work differently on its own spectrum.

3. Changes

5 appreciates life for what it is because 5 understands that life is full of changes. 5 understands nothing lasts forever, everything will change at some stage. Even the stillest water on the most peaceful day in the lake. It will evaporate, turn into clouds, then rain. Even gold and diamond will melt in the heat. By understanding that, 5 is happy to adapt to changes when they happen. 5 would just wing it, go with the flow, or look for new opportunities in the changes. Who knows if they could lead 5 to even more exciting adventures!

With that being said, however, someone who is struggling with their 5 may find it hard to accept changes…

Perhaps you have been running your business in a certain way for years, but with the evolution of technologies, and the introductions of new rules, new regulations, you must change the structure of your company, as well as learn to incorporate technologies into it which may make you feel uneasy. Or perhaps you have been a psychologist, a scientist who puts your faith into mainstream science, then suddenly one day, you discover that occult science is true, pseudo-science is true, and it might have shaken your belief system. How are you going to accept that change?

In fact, some changes are easier to accept than others. Some may feel shocked and traumatic, like the world is crumbling down beneath you. The red wine is spilled on to the white tablecloth, it spells catastrophe! Yesterday or the day before, you had a roof over your head, your family is full of love and laughter. The next day you find yourself homeless, you are jobless, you had a huge loss in your share investment, or you had an accident that removes physical freedom from you, etc.

Yes, 5 can bring you new opportunities, novel solutions, but 5 can also throw chaos at you sometimes, and it might be extremely hard to cope. Our world is shattered into pieces, it seems like there is no way to put those pieces back together…

4.A different perspective

Well, maybe there is really no way to put them back together… But what we can do is to accept that change as a part of us, and to build new pieces for our new life. 5 asks you to learn to be comfortable with changes. Stop being anxious about changes but rather accept them and go with the flow and see where life is leading you. Accept the experience as what it is, trust that that experience is there for your growth and slowly you are becoming a greater person than you are now. Again, who knows if that new life is the one that you have been truly looking for?

Therefore, 5 asks you to trust life. 5 teaches us that when one door is closed, another is opened, and to look at changes at a different angle. If you are not knocking on the right door, 5 will close that one and open another for you.

Perhaps, the hardest part is to accept the shock and trauma 5 has caused you, and to find the implication behind those changes. For some shocking events, maybe deep inside you might have already known about the cause of the shock since the beginning, and you were willing to take the risk and let it happen. On the other hand, others might have their root causes happen at a soul level, and you might never be able to understand it until you finish this incarnation. The question is, if that is the case, can you still trust life? Can you trust that whatever it is, no matter how shocking it is, it is for your soul’s evolution?

4. Final words

I hope that you have been in the right relationship with 5. Remember, if your 4 of foundation and grounding is solid, you will enjoy the expansiveness of 5. So step out of your comfort zone today, bring with you your teenage spirit (5 is the inner teenager), experience whatever excites you day. And one day, you will be able to say proudly: ” I can handle any challenges thrown at me!”

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