1 is the core of your identity

In numerology, 1 is the energy of identification. What do you identify yourself with? Does that identification align with your values? If someone asks you who you are, what is your answer? A mother, a father, a carer, a teacher, a doctor, a servant of God? Are you comfortable with the energy coming out of those words? Will you be swayed if people say otherwise?

When we first arrived in the world, we carried with us our missions, our life paths, our characteristics. We know who we are, what we want, and what to do to get what we want. We then keep fighting against whoever gets in the way to prevent us from reaching that summit. And we vow to stay true to ourselves. That is the 1 energy at its central point.

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid

Albert Eistein

Knowing who we are is important. We know our strengths and weaknesses and make better decisions based on those. Our identity is what makes us unique, just like there can never be two identical snowflakes. We all have different roles in this world, and if everyone is the same, how are we supposed to complete different tasks given to us? Therefore, 1 asks you to know who you are, what you want, and it asks you to do everything you can to protect that core identity of yours! If you don’t know the answer yet, why not start finding out NOW? (The moment of now is also 1 energy)

I know who I am

I know what I want

And don’t you dare try to stop me!

1 is the pioneer, the trailblazer

1 is the first, the beginning, the inventor, the pioneer. 1 is willing and excited to do the things that no one has ever done before, the places that no one has been before. 1 is willing to take risk to take the lead, to pave the way for others to follow. When 1 is challenged with something new, its creativity is on steroid.

Below are some of the 1 Life Path that made history, the pioneers of their industries, the brains behind so many life-changing inventions.

  • Nikola Tesla – 28/10/1: Tesla was the inventor and proponent of alternating current, the Tesla Coil, induction motor, and neon lights, among others.
  • Auguste Lumière (28/10/1): Together with his brother, Louis Lumière, they gave us one of the most popular inventions of all time—the movies! Their Cinématographe was a three-in-one machine that could record, develop, and project films for an audience.
  • Henry Ford 28/10/1: Known for his automobile invention as well as the assembly line which allowed mass vehicle production.
  • Marie Van Brittan Brown 18/9: known for her invention of home security system.
  • Ajay Bhatt 37/10/1: Thanks to Ajay’s USB technology, you can plug your phone to you laptop to charge or bring the data with you anywhere.
Marie Van Brittan Brown 18/9:
known for her invention of home security system

1 is the survival instinct

What do you do when you are in danger? How do you confront your fear? Does your gut tell you to fight, or freeze, or flight? That is your 1 communicating to you.

1 is the birth, the incarnation. Therefore 1 is survival. Childbirth is such a beautiful example of 1 in action. It is the new life as a human being of the baby, as well as the beginning of motherhood. But it is also such a critical situation for the mother and the child’s life. Do you know that, according to Hopkins medicine, approximately 8 percent of pregnancies involve life-threatening to the baby and the mother if left untreated?

People working with 1 energy (such as 1 in their life path, a challenge, maturity or destiny number) will often be involved in survival situations. Robberies, domestic violence, fights, accidents. However, the purpose of 1 is not to defeat you. Instead, it asks you to keep standing up, hold your ground, and survive. At times, you may feel like defeated, and you may choose to lie down in the dirt forever. But when you realize the purpose of your challenges or “misfortunes”, and you have the courage to stand up and fight for your life, that is when you experience the a whole new you, so brave and fearless, so centered, so independent. And no one can ever stop you from getting what you want anymore!

4. “Jungle” – 2017

Did you know that the movie “Jungle” (2017) starring Daniel Radcliffe was based on a true survival story of its director, Yossi Ghinsberg? Even though Yossi does not have 1 in his life path (he is a 35/8), but his last pinnacle is ruled by 1, which means wherever he goes, 1 would be with him his whole life time. His lost in the Amazon forrest in 1981 was such an extreme challenge of his 1 energy. The movie was so intense that I watched it with my hand covering my mouth in terror the whole time!

Not everyone working with 1 will have such extreme survival experience like “Jungle”, but it shows you how hard 1 can push you down to the ground. In the movie, Yossi was saved by a miracle, but without his will to survive for the time he was lost in the forrest, he would never had been alive for that miracle to happen. To me, a part of that miracle was truly created by Yossi himself.

When you are willing to try, you will make miracles happen!

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