1. Numerology is a practical tool to understand ourselves

Just like astrology, numerology is one of the tools for us to access the spiritual realm. If with astrology, we learn about ourselves through the star signs and planets, then with numerology, we do that through the language of maths. A numerology chart consists of about 17-22 elements which are calculated from your name and day of birth. Those elements are then reduced to single digit number 1 ~ 9.

There are only 9 main numbers in the archetypal world of numerology, yet when they can combine with each other in endless ways to make us each a unique individual on Earth that has specific traits and personalities. You can share the same birth date, or even birth name with someone but somehow you are still you, and they are still them.

2. Numerology can tell you your strengths and weaknesses

Each number will have its own traits, i.e. its own good and bad sides. As such, as you work with one particular number or a group of numbers, you will be able to experience both the good and the bad. For example, if you are in a good relationship with number 1’s energy, you will be able to identify yourself clearly with the world, or you are capable of being the pioneer, the trailblazer of your work. But if you are not so good with 1, you will often struggle standing up for yourself, or usually are a victim of bullying.

3. Numerology is the soul contract that you signed up for in this lifetime

For example, if your soul has decided to learn independence (1) in this lifetime, life will offer you the related challenges, until you can learn to stand up for yourself, earn your own income, live your own life the way you want. Or maybe you are here to learn about teamwork and fairness (2), or perhaps you are here to learn about freedom (5) even when you are so restricted physically.

How you can learn to become the person you are meant to be in this lifetime can be answered with your Numerology chart, whether it will be through travelling, or challenging work, or loss and grief. Yes! There is a meaning behind your loss. Yes! There is a meaning behind your suffering. Yes! There is a meaning behind your loneliness or your crave for connection. It is whether you can trust life enough to see the meaning behind its offerings!

What is not numerology?

Numerology is not a psychic practice like tarot, oracle, runes, or fortune-telling tool. Your chart can only speak to your archetypally, but each of us will experience one aspect of the number in our own way. Numerology will not be able to tell you the exact date of your marriage, who will come and leave your life, any message from your late loved ones, nor cast you a protection spell against evils and bad spirits. Those are the job of the mediums, witches, healers, and other psychics.

What numerology can do is explain why certain things happen to you at a certain time and place. It can explain why the same thing would happen to you over and over again, until you are able to realize the patterns! You will then be able to transform yourself through acceptance and letting go. In the end, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel!

How does numerology work?

There are only 9 numbers in Numerology, yet there are 7 billion of us. How are we going to distribute those nine numbers to 7 billion people? Does that mean if we share the same life path, we will have the same personalities? Hmmm…. That doesn’t sound right, does it?

Well, of course it isn’t right! Even if we share the same number with someone, we will experience that number in a vastly different way than the other person. There are so many perspectives in 1 number alone. And the thing is, we don’t just own only 1 number in our chart. Instead, we would possess all 9 numbers, and depending on each individual, a certain set of numbers will be more important than the rest.

What makes up the different personalities in each one of us is indeed those combinations. Some people would like to travel more (5), while other prefer to stay in the same place their whole life (4), and they both can be an actor (3), or a doctor (6), or a businessman (8). Or in the case of writers (3), one would like to write fiction (3), or perhaps writing about magic (7), or peace and compassion (9)

A Numerology Chart

Most of the time, when we talk about someone’s number, for example, a 3 person, we are referring only to his life path number. This is considered the most important number in a person’s chart. And it represents the biggest lesson that that person must learn in this lifetime.

Then there are of course other important numbers. At the core of your soul’s identity, you will have your Destiny, Heart, Personality and Day of Birth numbers. And then there are Karmic Lesson, Maturity, Pinnacle and Challenge numbers, and so many more! Each number will add extra dimensions and colors to your life.

Below is one of the simple chart that I use with a made-up name

Based on her numerology chart, this lady will have a lot of work with the 1 and 8 energies.

So there you go, does it sound more complicated but also make more sense at the same time now? To make it easier to for you to understand, think of numerology as an archetypal language where different numbers are just the name of different energies inside each of us.

For example, the number 1 is the energy of knowing your unique identity, who you are and what you want. It is about you as an individual. It is also the energy of taking the first step. But when we talk about 9, we then are talking about completion, humanity, the Great Ocean Love, something that is so much bigger than yourself.

Each number will have its own complexity, the job of a numerologist is to be able to explain which certain numbers are affecting your life at a certain time. And if one day you decide to learn this language, you too will be able tell which energy is engaging you. Or you can even tell which energy your friend, your child, your parents are working with based just on the way they speak or dress. From there you can easily infer what that person is struggling with in their life. This is truly a fascinating science!

How do you know if your chart works in your favor?

Of course, a numerologist can only explain the numbers to you. He can’t force you to follow the numbers’ wisdom if you don’t want to. In other words, numerology can only work in your favor only if you are willing to do the push-ups for your soul! When you feel there is a sense of acceptance, of letting go and forgiveness, it is then you know your push-ups have paid off.

Numerology is the contract that your soul had signed up for before you were born. Spiritually speaking, the life that we are living now, our parents, our siblings, our friends, colleagues, and even enemies, were all consciously selected by us before we came to this world. They are all here to help our soul evolve and move on, and we are here to help them as well.

Only until you can master the lesson that you can be born with a different life than the one you are living now (if you prefer). Living in poverty will teach you how to be frugal and smart with your money (4). Perhaps your father or mother passed away, or your partner suddenly left you one day, and now you are all by yourself (1), how are you going to be alone (1)? How are you going to support yourself (1) financially (8) or emotionally (3)?

But why do I have to go through a lot more than other people?

Yet, not all traumatic events will happen to all of us. Some people will have an easier, cruisier life than us, some would even be more traumatised. Sometimes it feels like we are here to suffer rather than to learn. Our soul is surrounded by so much darkness, pain and hollows that seems like there is no way out other than death. And what did I say again? Only when you can master the lessons of your soul can you move on. And it means that even death won’t prevent this, you will keep constellating the same events and people over and over again, until you decide to stand up and do your work!

And if it is too much to handle, remember that’s what your soul chose to do! I am born a 39/12/3 life path, where my soul decided to learn 1, 2, double 3 and 9 energy in this lifetime. And I can confirm with you that what a hell lot of awful stuff I have been through! Fear (1), relationship red flags (2), emotional issues (3), loss and grief (9), I have had them all!
Most people will have shorter life paths such as 21/3, 23/5, or 34/7. It doesn’t mean their life is easier (perhaps for a few, it is actually easier), but longer birth paths sure do throw some extra punches.

Sometimes I would sit in misery, blaming my soul for being so greedy and dumb! I had decided to learn a whole lot more in this lifetime, so that I could reach the next evolution stage faster. Well… I have learnt my lesson the hard way now, and when I come back in the next lifetime, I’m sure I will not be that silly! But for the time being, there is nothing I can’t do except for rolling up my sleeves and doing my homework. I will definitely hate myself more for repeating my lessons in the next lifetime!

Some last words

Testing the accuracy of numerology doesn’t happen in just one reading. It is your soul’s work, hence it involves a constant process of self-reflection, self-awareness. The easiest way to see how your archetypes are guiding you is to pay attention to your personal year, month, and day. Rather than asking the question, why not just pick one number and try applying its wisdom in your everyday life and see how it works out for you. Chances are, you will be pretty amazed at how your life changes, and usually it is for the better!

I would love to hear your thoughts about the accuracy of Numerology. Are you new to Numerology or have you been applying numbers’ wisdom to your life for a while now? It will be a pleasure to hear your sharing!

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