Knowledge and Intuition

Brain science is 7’s territory. 7 is also associated with third-eye chakra, or the Pineal Gland. That shows how 7 can be both the number of knowledge and spirituality. Every number exists on a continuum. For 7, that continuum is about being overly rational, skeptical or being overly superstitious.

It is not a simple task to balance 7 energy for it requires a lot of obtaining knowledge, while at the same time trusting your intuition. It is very easy to slip off to one side and forget about the other.

A part of 7 is being rational, skeptical the whole time. Another part of 7 enjoys the mystical realm of life, where 7 experiences the myths, the miracles or the paranormal. The aim of 7 is to become a bridge connecting the two worlds.

How is 7 going to do that? By becoming a healer. Be it a brain surgeon, a psychotherapist, or a naturopath, a Reiki practitioner, a psychic, or a meditation teacher. 7 becomes their best when they are able to use their knowledge and intuition together effectively.

7 enjoys silence and stillness


According to Psychology Today, there are 7 types of loneliness that we can face at some time in our lives:

  • New-situation loneliness,
  • No-sweetheart loneliness,
  • I’m-different loneliness,
  • No-animal Loneliness,
  • No-time-for-me loneliness,
  • Untrustworthy-friends loneliness,
  • Quiet-presence loneliness.

If you are feeling lonely right now, which type of loneliness are you experiencing? No matter which one it is, they are all 7 energy that is affecting you.

While it sounds uncomfortable, making friends with loneliness is the way to help you access 7 energy. The meaning of life, the higher purpose of our souls, we can never find them if we don’t dig deep enough. And in order to go down that rabbit hole, we need time alone. We need time to learn, to reflect, to listen to our souls talking and to find the answer to the question: “Why me?”


People who have a balanced 7 love their solitude. They would spend their time alone doing research, study, spending time in nature or embarking on a journey of spirituality.

Or they can also use that time to recharge. If you have heard about the idea of empaths (which is a 3 energy), people who can sense others energy, you may know that they can also absorb some or part of those energies, and it can be quite exhausting for them sometimes. Empaths need a lot of time alone, to release the negative energies and bring their energy back to the original level.

Abandonment and trust issues

While connections are important, having some time alone also has its own meaning. However, if we have been so used to interacting with the world at every moment, it can be shocking at first when the interaction is halted abruptly.

The betrayal of a partner or a dear friend, the abandonment from someone we love. What is the meaning of those? What can you learn from such unfortunate events? Are you able to make friends with the loneliness they forced you into? Can you ever trust again?

Here, 7 is asking you to learn to trust. In 7, we can no longer be child-like (3) or generous (3) all the time. We are unable to trust everyone because their energies are not always balanced enough for us to trust. Besides, 7 is the number of the hiddens, the mysteries, therefore 7 has a lot of secrets that it cannot share with just anyone. 7 requires us to have quality relationships, relationships that are based on trust, not on words (3) or romance (2).

7 is about everything that is deep and meaningful, that also applies to its relationships. The trust can be so deep that once you have formed a connection with 7, they might even be willing to take a bullet for you. It is almost like 7 is fully obsessed with you, a love that may feel suffocating if you don’t understand 7.

7 can sometimes overthinks

7’s ability to think deeply can turn you into a problem-solver who can help others, or on the opposite side, turn you into an overthinker. This is also the reason why we are often scared of being left alone.

Only when we are alone with our thoughts that we can realize how many things we keep thinking about in our mind. They intertwine with each other like a cluster which make separating them nearly impossible. One thought would always lead to another that when it is not spoken out will get trapped forever in the head.

7 is quite introverted, their thoughts would always be internal, and it is hard for them to express it because of their trust issues. Over time, problems arise when the same thought is repeated over and over and eventually interferes with 7’s life.

To what extent it is considered overthinking vastly depends on the individual. However, it is not necessarily troublesome unless it is affecting your life and relationships. Learning about 7 will help raise your awareness of where you are placing your thoughts, as well as when you should take a break from them.

Final Words

Number 7 invites you to explore the mystical, trust your inner compass, and find meaning beyond the ordinary.

Learn to trust your intuition, practice mindfulness and meditation to connect with your inner self, engage in activities that stimulate your mind and soul: reading, philosophical discussions, or exploring spiritual practices.

And remember, overthinking is not always a bad thing. Your analytical mind can be a curse but also a gift. When overthinking, learn to recognize it as a pattern, and practice Grounding Techniques to stay present.

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